Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A customary first post


I'm Shakthi, and you are- well, you have far more carcinogens around you than you could ever know.

That's why I started the NESTENE project. The NESTENE project aims to create awareness of the harmful compounds/carcinogens in products and artifacts around you, as well as raise awareness of healthier, safer alternatives to these products. I try to do this while detailing the scientific side of things as well.

You can find alternatives to some of the beloved yet secretly carcinogenic things you use every day at our faux catalog, INSTEAD. And you can print out a handy 'resin light' wallet sized card to remind yourself not to buy plastics that are practically poisonous.

But as the NESTENE project is, at heart, for the benefit of a healthier community, the best thing you can do is spread the word. You can do this by liking/sharing our Facebook page, or by simply telling your friends what you've learned. Soon to come will be a NESTENE pledge- by signing this pledge, you let us know that we've gotten our message across loud and clear, and have made an impact on your lifestyle for the better.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us.



Founder of the NESTENE project